Bull Terrier Hunde Welpen

Bull Terrier Hunde Welpen

The Bull Terrier is a cross Between The English Bulldog old type, the 1880 extinct since the entry into force of the Kupierverbotes in England White English Terrier and the Dalmatian. Even today there are in the pedigree dog breeding bull terriers quiet breed Representatives who tend Their appearance accor ding to one or the other-race ancestors back: we speak quietly of Dalmatians (rather leggy, not as heavy built, more elegant), Bulldog (rather kurzläufig very bones strong, heavily built and plump, Often fraught with undershot) or terrier type. Ideal, and THEREFORE in demand and preferred, but will always be the so-called "allrounder", ie the perfect blend of all three types of dogs in on individual brings.

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